Does your company:

(When I ask C-suite these questions I'm typically shocked by the responses)

  • Have core values that everyone can say by heart?

  • Have core values that inform exactly how to make empowered decisions?

  • A leadership growth plan for your entry-level managers?

  • Define what an effective 1:1 is?

  • Have a mission statement that is a rallying cry?

  • Instill leadership values in managers?

  • Encourage autonomy with accountability?

  • Train feedback conversations?

  • Talk performance without having to be passed to HR?

You don't quit a job- you quit a boss.

  • Core Values

    Imagine the power of having a set of phrases that are relatable, a motivating force, and informs each team member on how they should make decisions.

  • Leaders at All Levels

    I encourage all organizations to think of leadership as something you develop not just for direct reports- but for their reports. Leadership must have a legacy plan or it will be a constant cycle of retraining.

  • Culture

    The values your company leads with should have a transformative effect on the people that work there. The way they live out the values is called culture. Good culture doesn't mean they're happy– it means they're changed.

This is real

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